Winner 2023 / PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT / Other Property Development

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  • Project Title

    The Unique

  • Winning Firm

    3SI Immogroup

  • Awarded

    WINNER, PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT, Other Property Development
  • Project Link
  • Project Location
    Vienna, Austria
  • Project Status
    Under development
  • Photographer credit
    3si Immogroup | Jamjam

  • Developer Firm info
  • Development Company
  • Company Short Biography
    The 3SI Immogroup is a traditional Viennese family business. Over the last three decades, the Schmidt family has earned itself a reputation with its company as real estate experts you can rely on. With more than 200 successfully completed projects, 3SI Immogroup is one of Austria’s most prominent and experienced companies in the renovation and revitalisation of traditional Viennese apartment buildings.

Located on the dreamlike southern slope of the Hackenberg are THE UNIQUE Villas. Each of the 17 structures is an independent house, characterized by an innovative concept of materials, form and color. The modern cubes hark back to Bauhaus architecture and inspire with minimalist and linear design on all levels. Precious panels made of fiber cement stretch across the facades as a style-defining element and perfectly combine functionality with aesthetics. THE UNIQUE Villas offer many individual living options: harmonious retreats, generous outdoor areas and plenty of space for family and friends

Credits: 3SI Immogroup | JamJam