Winner 2023 / INTERIOR DESIGN / Showroom / Sales Office

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  • Project Title

    Tianjin Coral Sea Shopping Center Sales Hall

  • Winning Firm

    DPWT Design Ltd

  • Lead Designer

    Arthur Chan

  • Awarded

    WINNER, INTERIOR DESIGN, Showroom / Sales Office
  • Project Location
    Tianjian, China
  • Project Status
  • Completion Date
    February, 2022

  • Interior Design Firm
  • Interior Design Firm / Studio
    DPWT Design Ltd
  • Lead Interior Designer(s)
    Arthur Chan
  • Other design Team Members
    Bevin Chen
  • About the interior design firm
    DPWT Design Ltd aims to explore new possibilities in different design realm, including Architecture, Interior, and Product design and blending the different domains in a synchronizing state. Lead by Arthur Chan, the founding Design Director, it has been manifesting design realization in architecture and interior projects in a thoughtful process and balances the aesthetic and functional values. DPWT has office in Beijing and Hong Kong.

The sales centre intents to deliver an experimental experience to the visitor with various virtual and physical display design. It includes both actual model and multi-media simulation to let visitor to have various experience of the development. Every functional area reflects and showcases design element relating to the development, such as the reception lobby relates to the ocean-theme shopping Centre with waving ceiling strips, so that the development branding can permeate every aspect of the building interiors.

Photo Credit: Arhtur Chan