Winner 2023 / INTERIOR DESIGN / Showroom / Sales Office

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  • Project Title

    The shadow of time

  • Winning Firm

    LIA Interior Design

  • Lead Designer

    Bingfeng Li

  • Awarded

    WINNER, INTERIOR DESIGN, Showroom / Sales Office
  • Project Link
  • Project Location
    Haikou, China
  • Project Status
  • Completion Date
    May, 2022
  • Photographer credit
    Qilin Zhang, Changle Wu, Siqi Wan

  • Interior Design Firm
  • Interior Design Firm / Studio
  • Lead Interior Designer(s)
    Bingfeng Li
  • Other design Team Members
    Bo Han, Lidan Yin, Xin Ou, Gengzheng Xie, Aidong Yang, Jiali Gong

This project is a marketing center designed for the residential area of Haikou Yongjiangwan.
The space is divided into two levels. The first floor is the setting of the gallery and lounge; the second floor is a studio that simulates the local clothing industry studio.
This design project uses various techniques to filter natural light and perform secondary design with interior lighting, resulting in a fully layered shadow experience.

Credits: Qilin Zhang, Changle Wu, Siqi Wan