Winner 2023 / INTERIOR DESIGN / Retail / Department Stores / Mall

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  • Project Title

    The Boardless Waves of Rice

  • Winning Firm

    Vermillion Gift

  • Lead Designer

    Yee Xiong, Meldoy Lau

  • Awarded

    WINNER, INTERIOR DESIGN, Retail / Department Stores / Mall
  • Project Location
    Guangdong, China
  • Project Status
  • Completion Date
    May, 2019

  • Interior Design Firm
  • Interior Design Firm / Studio
    Vermillion Gift
  • Lead Interior Designer(s)
    Yee Xiong, Meldoy Lau
  • Other design Team Members
    Annie Fung, Sean Leung, Meng Jian, Deigor Chan, Steve Zhao, Steve Zhang, YaQian You

Ronggui is located in Shunde District, a district of the city of Foshan, Guangdong province, in China. The city is situated at the point where rivers meet. It nourishes and nurtures the beautiful culture of this southern town and enriches the citizens’ daily life. The design team was inspired by the local’s affection for crops and rivers, so they took the local food culture as inspiration, including fishing boats, rice, rivers, watered gauze, and folklore as the elements of the space to give a sense of belonging to the individuals that settle here.

Photo Credit: Melody Lau