Winner 2023 / INTERIOR DESIGN / Exhibition / Cultural

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  • Project Title

    Kaifeng public cultural service complex-Science and Technology Museum

  • Winning Firm

    Suzhou Gold Mantis Construction Decoration Co.,Ltd

  • Lead Designer

    Dai Fanghui,Zhang Dongying,Ni Lifu,Zhang Gan,Ge Jun,Zhou Yu,Guo Jun,Wan Yanyan,Zhou Shengqiang,Jiang Xin, Xie Meirong, Fan Huihui

  • Awarded

    WINNER, INTERIOR DESIGN, Exhibition / Cultural
  • Project Location
    Kaifeng, China
  • Project Status

  • Interior Design Firm
  • Interior Design Firm / Studio
    Suzhou Gold Mantis Construction Decoration Co.,Ltd
  • Lead Interior Designer(s)
    Dai Fanghui,Zhang Dongying,Ni Lifu,Zhang Gan,Ge Jun,Zhou Yu,Guo Jun,Wan Yanyan,Zhou Shengqiang,Jiang Xin, Xie Meirong, Fan Huihui

Kaifeng as the geographical attribute of this project, it is difficult for anyone to bypass the Northern Song Dynasty, Bi Sheng invented movable type printing, compass, gunpowder breakthrough, is the golden age in the history of science and technology development in China. The space modeling emphasizes the sense of streamline and science and technology, the space tone is black, white and gray as the keynote, and the local embellishment of science and technology blue. The light of science and technology circling upward blends with the picture of history here.

Photo Credit: Ling Leng