Winner 2022 / PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT / Residential High-rise

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  • Project Title

    Greentown · Classic Villa, Xi'an

  • Winning Firm


  • Awarded

    WINNER, PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT, Residential High-rise
  • Project Location
    Xi'an, China
  • Project Status
    Under development
  • Client
    Greentown China Holdings Limited

  • Developer Firm info
  • Development Company
  • Company Short Biography
    Greentown China Holdings Limited is a leading quality property developer and integrated living service provider in China. It maintains a leadership position in the industry with its quality properties, unique architectural aesthetics and customer centric services. The Company has been awarded the "Top 10 among 100 Chinese Real Estate Enterprises by Comprehensive Strength" for 16 consecutive years and named No.1 in customer satisfaction in the country for 10 consecutive years.

For the facade design of both high-rise buildings and stacked villas, the project refers to the upturned eaves and cornice brackets of historical palaces in Xi'an. It innovatively transforms the overhanging eaves on traditional Chinese pitched roofs into layers of lightsome affiliated eaves, which are made of aluminum plates weighing only one-fifth of marbles. This enriches the sense of layering of the residential buildings. As for the design of garden landscapes, both Chinese and Western gardening elements are incorporated.

Photo Credit: Yuan Liang