Winner 2022 / ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN / Exhibition / Cultural

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  • Project Title

    Make Wine not War

  • Winning Firm

    Donald Lococo Architects

  • Lead Designer

    Donald Lococo

  • Awarded

    WINNER, ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN, Exhibition / Cultural
  • Project Location
    Arlington, United States
  • Project Status
  • Completion Date
    October, 2017
  • Photographer credit
    Anice Hoachlander

  • Architectural Firm
  • Architect Firm / Studio Name
  • Lead Architect(s)
    Donald Lococo
  • Other Team Members
    David Moore

Near Washington a bomb shelter inspires a wine room. Jackhammered concrete openings are left exposed. A layer of glass doors is added. The suspended wine, centered between transparent movable glass and static concrete, symbolize the mediator inviting conversation in during conflict. Even if the design is questioned, it at least fosters valuable conversation while judging. Perhaps done over a glass of wine.

Credits: Anice Hoachlander