Honorable Mention 2023 / ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN

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  • Project Title

    C Residence

  • Winning Firm

    louta et al.

  • Lead Designer

    (Louie T. Navarro PhD)

  • Project Location
    Silang, Cavite, Philippines
  • Project Status
  • Completion Date
  • Photographer credit
    Rog Castillo Ii

  • Architectural Firm
  • Architect Firm / Studio Name
  • Lead Architect(s)
    (Louie T. Navarro PhD)
  • About Firm
    Informed by the continued dialogue that cuts across various specialisations, methodologies and research, louta et al. hopes at arriving at a practice of design that is neither this-nor-that—as a homecoming of sorts to precisely that indeterminate place that embodies the Japanese 境界 (kyokai) or the Filipino liminal.

In what started as an attempt to get away from the city, here is a place that houses contradictions: centre/periphery, cold/warmth, and the Modern/more or less everything it’s not.

In this double-sided, symmetrical cantilever, these weighty dichotomies are made to appeal to lightness. Cavern-like in its framing of the outside world—rendering both exterior and interior matter-of-factly—what is created is a site of erasure that allows for exactly an introspective thinking about design, of materiality and gives sharp focus on life itself as source of intimacies.

Credits: Rog Castillo II