OPAL Special Award Award - Transsolar KlimaEngineering

TRANSSOLAR KlimaEngineering wins the 2020 OPAL Special Award for Sustainability

June 7, 2021

German engineering firm Transsolar, dedicated to design and build climate positive buildings, has been awarded the OPAL Special Award for Sustainability. The annual OPAL Special Award is rewarded to firms whose work and achievements are truly outstanding and make a game-changing impact in their sectors, a true inspiration for others to follow.

Transsolar, founded in 1992, with offices in Stuttgart, München, New York is dedicated to ensuring the highest possible standards in the built environment with the lowest possible impact on the environment. Transsolar develops and validates climate and energy concepts, emphasizing that the environmental aspect is key at every stage of design. The firm works with clients, architects, engineers, and consultants from the initiation of the design process. Transsolar goes beyond the mere concept of saving energy, focussing on energy-neutral ideas in areas such as natural ventilation, air quality, acoustics, well-being, and more.

The OPAL jury panel was particularly impressed by Transsolar’s human and holistic approach insisting that  Sustainability plays an integral part in every step of the design process.

Click here to view the awards presentation video including interviews with the Transsolar partners Thomas Auer, Volkmar Bleicher, Stefan Holst, Erik Olsen, and Matthias Schuler.

OPAL Special Award Transsolar